American Girl Wiki

Meet Kit: An American Girl is the first book in the Kit series. It was included with the Kit doll when purchased until the release of BeForever and could be purchased separately; it later became part of Read All About It! and Kit: Read All About It!.

As part of the Kit 100th Birthday Celebration, a re-release of the book with the first edition cover was part of the Limited Edition doll bundle; it includes an introduction by Valerie Tripp.



Only in Meet Kit[]

Chapter by Chapter Summary[]

Chapter One: Good News[]

Kit is smiling and typing on her typewriter: enjoying the sound of the typewriter keys, the ping of the bell when she reaches the end of a line, the smell of the typewriter ribbon, and the look of the letters on the page as they tell a story the way Kit wants it. It's a hot afternoon in August and Kit and Ruthie are in Kit's room writing a newspaper for Kit's dad, Jack. Even though Kit isn't a good typist--she only uses two fingers--and makes lots of mistakes, Dad doesn't mind; when he comes home from work, he's always pleased to get one of Kit's newspapers and exchanges it for the real newspaper, allowing her to read baseball scores and the funnies.

Ruthie asks Kit to read what they have so far. Kit reads out what she's typed. Ruthie is now reading The Lilac Fairy Book after reading three others; she's interested in princes, princesses, and likes fairy tales. Kit is reading The Adventures of Robin Hood and His Merry Men and likes how Robin tricks the Sheriff of Nottingham and how he steals from the rich to give to the poor. Kit and Ruthie agree it's a good article, and Kit asks what they should write next. Ruthie suggests that Kit write about Charlie and the cookies. Kit then types how Charlie ate a whole plate of ginger snap cookies meant for Mother's garden club and jokes that he should try out for the Eating Team when he leaves for college in a few weeks. Ruthie giggles at Kit's article then asks what they should write next. Kit suggests they could write about the heat. Ruthie nods her head quickly before slowing down and pretending to snore. Kit agrees with Ruthie--talking about the weather is boring as there aren't any people in it and it's a newspaper, not a snoozepaper.

Ruthie suggests that Kit write about how her mother, Margaret, redecorated her room--Ruthie thinks it's as pretty as a princess's room. She asks Kit what she thinks and Kit answers that it's okay but a little too pink for her; she would prefer sleeping in a tree house like Robin Hood. Ruthie shakes her head and tells Kit she's crazy, and Kit happily agrees with her about being crazy, even though Ruthie is right about her room being pretty.

Mother redecorated Kit's room earlier in summer as a surprise for Kit and, as with everything Mother did, it was lovely; Margaret is pleased with the room and sure the room is a girl's dream room. Kit admits to herself it likely is--but not her dream. The room is now painted pink with white trim, there's a white and fluffy canopy bed, a dressing table with a lacy skirt, and a white spindly-legged desk with a matching poofy stool that looks too delicate to hold Kit's big black typewriter. Kit has been asked by Mother to keep her typewriter in her closet when she isn't using it, but Kit always forgets to as she uses it a lot; it is out of place in the frilly room. Kit squirms on the stool; she believes in telling the truth but hasn't told Mother how she feels out of place in her new room.

Kit tells Ruthie the redecorating story won't work as Dad already knew all about it and thus not new. She sighs and wishes for a dramatic change in the household to have an attention-grabbing headline like real newspapers. Ruthie, unsure, says they may not want that as nowadays when her parents read the newspaper, they worry over the many bad news headlines about the Depression; they don't want their paper to be like that. Kit agrees; they want good news. There hasn't been much good news in a real newspaper for a long time due to the mess of the Depression. Dad explained to her what was going on: three years ago people got nervous about buying things, leading to store closures, leading to unemployment of retail, leading to unemployment in factories, leading to people unable to pay for things like doctors, house painters, or music teachers who also became poorer. Kit is glad her dad still has his job owning a car dealership. Kids at school have fathers who've lost their jobs and are now selling apples on street corners for some income, and others have moved away since they couldn't afford rent. Jack has described the Depression as a slippery hole that, once fallen in, can be impossible to get out of. Kit knows the Depression is getting worse from the newspaper headlines nightly. However, within Kit's house, nothing seems worthy of a headline.

The girls are about to give up on finding any more news when Charlie pops his head through the door and lets them know that the garden club has arrived and if they want anything they need to go downstairs quick, as Mrs. Culver has dove into the nut dish. Kit thanks Charlie, and while Ruthie hopes for some cake Kit hopes for some news, grabbing her notepad and a pencil from behind her ear. They thunder down the stairs and slow down in the hallways so as not to sound, according to Mother, like a herd of stampeding elephants. Mother always likes things "just so" for her garden club meetings: puts out her finest dish and tableware and arranges her most beautiful plants on the terrace. The girls hear the ladies voices before they arrive, including Mrs. Wolf complimenting her on her sponge cake. Margaret is offering to give her the recipe when the girls arrive.

Kit wants to fling herself at her mother and hug her, but doesn't as she doesn't want to get typewriter ink on her pale green dress. Margaret smiles at the girls, then introduces them to the garden ladies politely before saying they can help themselves to refreshments. Kit and Ruthie fill their plats and sit on a seat behind a potted plant to eat and observe the garden club ladies. Initially the women talk about garden club business, including garden pests; and Kit and Ruthie are giggly when Mrs. Willmore says she's besides herself about the spots on her phlox, but the meeting is otherwise boring. When the discussion moves to whose turn is next to weed the hospital's garden beds, Louise Howards says its her turn but she won't be able to. She blinks, hesitates, and says she won't be part of the garden club at all anymore. Kit and Ruthie exchange looks and raise their eyebrows, and Kit wonders if there may be a newspaper story in it.


Kit overhears "news" at the garden club meeting.

The ladies murmur apologies as Margaret says that's too bad. Mrs. Howard explains that she and her son Stirling are moving to Chicago to follow her husband, Mr. Howard, who has already gone to Chicago to pursue a business opportunity. The ladies all say "ahh!" in response, knowing what Louise means, as does Kit--he has gone to look for a job. It's widely known that he's been unemployed for two years since his company went out of business two years ago. One lady asks where the Howards will live in Chicago and Mrs. Howard blinks again and says she doesn't know--Mr. Howard hasn't settled anywhere so they'll just be moving from place to place for a while.

The ladies smile but have lines of worry on their faces Kit notices. She thinks the plan is fishy; why would the Howards be leaving Cincinnati if they didn't have a home in Chicago already? She then realizes that they aren't moving by choice--they likely can't stay in their house anymore, as they don't have the money to. Mr. Howard also likely doesn't have a job in Chicago or a place for his family. Kit is sure this is the truth and the other ladies know as well but aren't saying anything out loud out of politeness. There is an awkward silence before Mother speaks up and says she has an idea--Louise and her son Stirling can stay with the Kittridges in their guest room until Mr. Howard is settled and sends for them--Stirling is near Kit's age, and the two will get along great. Ruthie nudges Kit and Kit signals her to keep quiet. The ladies all turn to Mrs. Howard and wait anxiously for her reply. Mrs. Howard accepts Mother's offer slowly, saying if it's not too much trouble, and thanks her, and Margaret says it's settled and the ladies cheer up.

Kit scribbles notes in her notepad as Ruthie asks who Stirling is. Kit shrugs, saying she hasn't met him. Ruthie says Kit will meet him soon since he's going to live in her house. Kit likes the idea of a boy staying at her house, especially with Charlie moving out soon to college; to her, boys are always up to something, thus making him a good source of newspaper stories. She thinks he'll be someone to play catch with and talk about the Cincinnati Reds (as Ruthie doesn't care about baseball), and join in when she and Ruthie act out stories. Kit grins at Ruthie, saying he can be the Sheriff of Nottingham when they play Robin Hood since boys love to being the bad guy. Ruthie finishes her mouth of cake and says that Stirling might prefer to be Prince Charming and perform good deeds. Kit comments he already did a good deed and when Ruthie asks what, the two run back to Kit's room. Kit stands in front of her typewriter and says that he's given them a headline before typing out in all caps: The Howards are Coming!

Chapter Two: Read All About It[]


Kit greets Dad with her newspaper.

Kit is not a flouncy girl, which is why she prefers her nickname over her real name. Kit is especially exasperated with flounces at the moment as she tries to get comfortable sitting on her too soft, too low stool. Kit continues writing her paper after the Garden Club Ladies (and Ruthie) leave. She pulls out her paper from the typewriter, still very pleased to have an attention-grabbing headline for her dad. She reads what she's written: The Howards are going to stay with the Kittredges for a while, it was going to be fun because Stirling could play catch with Kit, and the Garden Club Trouble: Phlox spots put Mrs. Willmore beside herself.

Kit struggles with her two stick figure drawings of Mrs. Willmore to put in the paper when she hears her Dad's car honking. Kit snatches up her paper, flies downstairs, and bursts out the door. She shouts "Extra! Extra! Read all about it!" as she runs into her dad's arms. After their hug, Kit shows her newspaper. Dad smiles a broad smile as he exchanges a real newspaper for Kit's. He then reads out loud "The Howards are Coming!" in a booming voice. He asks Kit if they are coming for dinner. Kit tells her dad to read the whole story and to her surprise, her dad's smile fades as he reads. Dad tells Kit her story is big news in a voice that's trying too hard to be hearty. He says he's lucky to have his own personal reporter to keep him up-to-date with the news and tells Kit to come with him to get all the details from Mother. Kit thinks how grownups are funny as she walked along with her dad. They don't react the way one expects them to. Kit got the impression that he wasn't pleased with the Howards staying, but doesn't understand why he wouldn't be.

Two days later, Kit and Ruthie are sitting on the front porch, reading as they wait for Stirling and Mrs. Howard to arrive. Or at least Ruthie is reading; Kit is too distracted so she's studying the illustrations in her Robin Hood book. Kit's copy of Robin Hood had belonged to Charlie and Kit loves reading about the tree houses Robin and his men live in. Kit longs to sleep in a tree house near the sky, and she has spent many hours drawing plans for tree houses she and Ruthie can build. But Kit isn't a good sketcher and her tree houses always end up looking like dog houses stuck up in a tree. Kit comments that Stirling can help build their tree house and Ruthie agrees, slightly irritated Kit has interrupted her reading.

It's a hot day and the girls are also licking chunks of ice chipped off from the block of ice in the icebox. Kit has her catcher's mitt next to her, wanting to show Stirling right away that she's the type of girl interested in baseball and books and not baking and dresses. Kit's ice chunk is down to a sliver when a cab pulls up into the driveway. Kit and Ruthie stand up on the porch and wait politely as Mrs. Howard steps out of the cab along with her son. Kit sees Stirling and feels like someone has dropped some ice down her back, that surprised. Ruthie whispers she thought Kit's mother said Stirling was their age, but he looks like he's in kindergarten. Mother steps onto the porch and Kit whispers indignantly to her that Stirling's a shrimp. Mother explains that Stirling is small for his age because he has delicate health, but she's sure he'll be a pleasant fellow. She tells the two they'd better go and make the guests feel welcome and the three walk down to the driveway.

Mrs. Howard and the cab driver are taking out the luggage as Stirling stands there, not helping. Mrs. Howard thanks Mother again for letting them stay and tells Stirling to say hello. Stirling shakes hands with Mother and nods at the girls. Kit thinks he looks even worse close up with colorless hair, colorless eyes, and a red runny nose; both girls tower over him. Mrs. Howard fusses that all of this excitement isn't good for Stirling, and he has to lie down right away and rest. Kit and Ruthie watch Mrs. Howard and Mother propel Stirling into the house as the cab driver follows with an armload of luggage. As soon as they're gone, Kit mimics Stirling by snuffling her nose and making her eyes wide and unblinking. Ruthie giggles, but says that in fairy tales you learn not to judge by appearances as lots of times nice people are just under a spell.

But over the next few days, Ruthie's theory doesn't play out regarding Stirling. He never says a word and Mrs. Howard does all the talking for him, and her sentences usually begin with "Stirling can't" and citing his weak health. For example, when Kit invited Stirling to play in the sprinkler, she says all the reasons he can't, including his fair skin and him catching a chill. Eventually, Kit and Ruthie give up on inviting Stirling to anything because the answer is always "Stirling can't." Kit first thought Mrs. Howard was over-exaggerating about Stirling's fragile health; Stirling doesn't have any serious or interesting illness like the ones that Kit reads about in her pirate books. However a week after his arrival, Stirling gets truly sick. He only has a cold, but it results in a terrible cough and a fever. Mrs. Howard says he has to stay in bed and have his meals brought to him on a tray. Kit hears Stirling sniffling and coughing and blowing his nose all day. Everyone has to tiptoe past the guest room so they won't disturb Stirling if he's napping, and whenever Kit passes by the guest room, she holds her nose as the room smells strongly of Vicks VapoRub.

One day, Kit notices that the guest room's door is open, and Kit peeks inside to see Stirling sitting up in his bed, propped up by his pillows. Mrs. Howard isn't present and the window shades are pulled down. Kit comments how it's stuffy in the room and asks Stirling if he wants her to open the window. Stirling nods, and Kit opens the window a crack, letting in some air and a bit of light. Kit is about to leave the room when she notices a photo next to Stirling's bed. Kit asks if it's a photo of Ernie Lombardi from the Reds. Stirling looks at Kit with unblinking eyes and answers "Schnozz"; due to his stuffed nose, his voice sounds low and husky. Kit doesn't understand at first but laughs and says that Schnozz is Ernie Lombardi's nickname because he has a big nose. In response, Stirling blows his nose and makes a nice honking sound. Kit laughs again and tells Stirling Ernie is her favorite player on the Reds and her inspiration to become a catcher, as well as her Dad who was the star catcher on his college team. She asks Stirling if he knows that Lombardi is the tallest player on the Reds and Stirling whispers "six foot three, two hundred and thirty pounds." Kit, delighted that Stirling knows this, rattles on that it's funny Stirling likes him because Lombardi is so big and Stirling is so little. Stirling simply says that's why he does and doesn't sound offended, even though Kit realizes quickly she said something she shouldn't have.


Kit crashes into Mrs. Howard while trying to show Stirling a photo.

Kit suddenly gets inspired and tells Stirling she used to keep an article with a picture of Ernie Lombardi on her wall (holding multiple baseballs) before her room was painted pink and Mother wouldn't let her put it back up. She asks if Stirling wants to see it. He nods vigorously, and Kit notices his are actually gray. Kit dashes back to her room and rummages through her desk, finding the article in the bottom drawer. She races back to Stirling's room and shouts that she found it, flinging the door open--and hitting Mrs. Howard who's holding a silver tray. Mrs. Howard lurches forward and yells, the tray going flying as well as Mother's favorite teacup on it. The teacup breaks on the floor and Mrs. Howard starts fussing at the mess while Stirling starts to cough loudly. Kit tries to apologize over Stirling's coughing, and Charlie comes in and adds to the commotion asking what happened. All of them are talking at once when Mother comes in and asks what happened.

Everyone stops talking and Mother repeats her question, not sounding like her serene self. Everyone looks at Kit. Kit, knowing Mother doesn't like messes, tries to explain the accident and that she didn't know Mrs. Howard was behind the door. Mother holds up her hand to stop Kit's talking, saying she could imagine the rest. She shakes her head and reminds Kit she needs to slow down and watch where she's going. Kit apologizes. Mother picks up the pieces of the broken cup and tells Kit to look at what she did. Kit is shocked, as it's not like Mother to scold her like this. Kit protests it was an accident and wasn't anyone's fault. Mother says it was nobody's fault, yet they were still stuck in this mess. She asks Kit to leave and she'll help Mrs. Howard clean up--and that Kit shouldn't to barge into Stirling's room any more and make a mess. Kit tries to protest again, but Mother repeats her request for Kit to leave. Kit gives up and storms back to her room.

Kit is angry that Mother thinks it's all her fault when it isn't; she didn't mean to knock into Mrs. Howard. Kit feels it's more of Stirling's fault than hers--if he wasn't sick, his mother wouldn't be bringing him hot tea in the afternoon. Kit flings herself onto her bed and looks at the crumpled article in her hands. She doesn't care that it's crumpled; she can't put it up on her new pink walls, and she sure isn't going to show Stirling it now. Kit decides that she isn't going to try to be nice to "old sniffle-nose" Stirling anymore, if it brings her this much trouble. Nothing makes Kit more angry than being unjustly accused, and she thinks about how if characters in her books are unjustly accused, people like Nancy Drew or Dick Tracy come around and help. Kit feels she has to speak for herself and she decides to make a special newspaper for Dad to read so at least one person will know her side of the story. Kit rolls a piece of paper into the typewriter and types in capital letters IT'S NOT FAIR!

Chapter Three: It's Not Fair[]

Kit starts to feel better as she pounds on the typewriter keys as hard as she can while typing out her side of the event, ending it by saying how unfair things have been to her this day and that if something bad happened and it wasn't anyone's fault, no one should be blamed. The good thing about writing to her is that she can tell the story without anyone interrupting or contradicting her. When she's done, Kit's pleased with her article. She pulls out her article and goes outside to wait on the steps for her father to come home, along with the Robin Hood book to read as she waits.

She hasn't read much when she hears the screen door behind her open and close. Kit keeps on reading until she hears Charlie say hi as he sits next to her. Kit doesn't answer him, feeling a little put out with him for adding to the trouble in Stirling's room. Charlie asks Kit what's eating her and Kit huffily replies nothing is. Charlie asks if that's one of her papers, picks up Kit's article and reads out the headline, then asks what it's about; Kit tells him it's how it's wrong to blame people for things that are not their fault--for example, her this afternoon. Charlie tells Kit she shouldn't make a big deal out of it. Kit tells him it's easy for him to say. Charlie takes a deep breath and, in a suddenly serious tone, tells Kit she shouldn't bother Dad with her newspaper today.


Charlie tells Kit about the family financial issues.

Kit slams her book shut and asks why not. Charlie looks over his shoulder, making sure no one other than Kit hears him, then asks her if she knew how lots of people lost their job due to the Depression. Kit says yes, citing Mr. Howard as an example. Charlie explains that, just yesterday, Dad told him and Mother he was closing down the car dealership and going out of business. Kit, horrified, asks why. Charlie says that nobody's had the money to buy a car for a long time now. Kit asks why Dad didn't say anything about this before. Charlie explains he didn't want his family to worry and hoped that things would improve if he just hung on. He didn't even fire any of his salesmen and instead paid their salaries with his own savings until he couldn't; Dad will even have to return his car as he can't afford it. Kit asks what Dad will to do now. Charlie admits he doesn't know; he guesses that Dad will just have to look for a new job, despite it being hopeless these days. Kit, feeling so sure that Charlie must be wrong, tells him that plenty of people would be happy to hire Dad by either remembering him from his college days or seeing how smart and hardworking he is. Charlie shrugs and explains that there simply aren't any jobs to be had, hence why so many people are leaving to find work somewhere.

Struck by a terrible thought, Kit asks if Dad will have to leave like Mr. Howard--or if they'll lose their house like the Howards did. Charlie says he doesn't know and Kit struggles to breathe at the thought. Charlie explains that it's a struggle to keep the house as their parents still owe the mortgage on it--and if they don't pay it, then the bank will literally throw them and their belongings out of the house. Kit fiercely states that won't happen and Charlie says he hopes not.

Kit asks why Dad told others--including Charlie--about losing his job, but not her. Charlie sighs a huge, sad sigh and explains that Dad told him because it means he's no longer able to go to college. Kit, knowing just how much Charlie had been looking forward to college, says how that's terrible, awful, and not fair. Charlie grins cheerlessly and points out how that was her headline. He continues that a lot of unfair things have happened lately, but there's no one to blame and nothing they could do about it; he sounds tired, as if he grew old all of a sudden. Charlie tells Kit that life isn't like books with a bad guy to blame, and sometimes there's no happily ever after.

Kit feels an odd combination of fear and anger at things happening so fast. She asks what was going to happen to them and Charlie says he doesn't know. He stands up to go, but Kit asks him to wait. She asks why he told her about Dad's problems and if it was so she wouldn't give him the paper. Charlie tells her she's a part of the family and she deserves to know. Kit thanks Charlie, grateful he treated her like an adult. After Charlie leaves, Kit sits on the step thinking. She realizes now why her dad was upset when he heard the Howards were coming as their arrival meant more mouths to feed in the household. Kit also understands why her mother is so short-tempered today as she must have been thinking about the financial situation they were in. It wasn't her parents fault they'd fallen into the hold of the Depression, but they had.

As the sun starts to set, Kit sees her dad like she's never seen him before. He's walking home and looks hot and tired, with a discouraged droop in his shoulders. Kit's heart twists with sorrow and for a second, she doesn't want to face her dad as it will mean facing the news Charlie's told her. She decides, though, that while everything in the whole world might change for her dad, she won't. Kit runs straight for Dad and hugs him like always. After the hug, Kit tells Dad what Charlie told her and asks if it's true. Dad kneels down to look Kit at eye level and tells her yes. She asks if they are going to be alright, and he admits he doesn't know. Kit hugs her dad again, crumpling her now-pointless news article behind his back; the article is silly and babyish now. Dad doesn't need to read it as he already knows all about things that aren't fair.

That night Kit is unable to go to sleep due to her worrying. She has always been practical and considered worrying about a problem a waste of time when she's able to do something to fix it, but she and her family have never had a problem so serious before. Restless, Kit decides to write. She walks to her desk and pulls out a pencil and notepad, starting to write a list of what she can give up to save her family money. She first writes no dancing lessons and no fancy dresses for dancing lessons, then scolds herself; she doesn't mind giving up the things she doesn't want in the first place and needs to add the things she wants as well. Sadly, Kit adds no lumber for a tree house, no new books, no tickets to baseball games, and no sweets, and decides to show her dad the list in the morning.


Ruthie finds Kit hiding under the porch.

But the next morning, Dad has left before she's up; Mother tells Kit he's left to meet a business friend. Kit says it'd be great if he's offered a job. Mother says it would be as she smiles, but Kit can tell it's not one of her real smiles. Kit, feeling restless and jumpy, wants to be alone so she can work on her list. She wanders around the yard until she finds a good hideaway underneath the back porch. Kit thinks no one will find her there, but Kit's not been hidden long before Ruthie crawls in after her Kit asks how Ruthie always found her and Ruthie shrugs, saying she just thinks where she would be if she was Kit. She asks Kit why she's hiding and Kit says her dad lost his job. Ruthie softly apologizes and the two sit together in silence. Kit likes that Ruthie is willing to sit and think with Kit and didn't need to talk all the time. Ruthie breaks the silence, asking Kit what she's going to do. Kit shows her the list and Ruthie reads through it; she says Kit's ideas are good, but sounds doubtful.

Kit, sighing, admits that she never gave money much thought before now; Ruthie says she hasn't either. Kit tells Ruthie that her Dad used most of his savings to pay his salesmen, and soon there won't be any money left and asks what they will do then. Ruthie says she read lots of books about people who lived with no money before. Kit points out those characters lived in a farm or in a forest, where at least they had a source of food--but these are modern times and she lives in a modern city. Kit wonders if they will move to a farm, but Ruthie doubts that Mrs. Kittredge would like the idea. Kit agrees and adds her family knows nothing about farming. Ruthie says she thinks they'll just have to hope Kit's dad gets a new job. Kit agrees, then turns to Ruthie and says that would be a great headline.

Chapter Four: Mother's Brainstorm[]

Jack does not find a job that day, or any other day after that, despite his best efforts. Every day he puts on a good suit and rides downtown with the intent to have lunch with a friend or a business acquaintance, and every day Kit hopes her dad will bring good news--but he always comes back home tired and discouraged.

One afternoon--after a week had passed since Jack closed the dealership--Kit and Mother are shelling peas on the back porch when a black car pulls up in the driveway. Mother sighs and Kit asks if it's Uncle Hendrick. Mother nods, taking off her apron, and tells Kit to put the peas in the kitchen and get some ice tea for her and Uncle Hendrick. Mother then smooths her hair, adjusts her smile, and walks gracefully to the car. Kit's glad to escape to the house--Uncle Hendrick, Mother's uncle and her only living relative, is always in a bad mood. Kit thinks, putting lemon slices in the glasses, that the last thing Uncle Hendrick needs is a lemon--he's already a sourpuss.

Kit carries the iced tea to the terrace; Mother is seated in a chair and Uncle Hendrick is pacing back and forth. He stops when he sees Kit and Kit thinks here it comes. Without saying hello, he barks at her "What's the capital of North Dakota?" Kit answers Bismarck, used to such questions from Uncle Hendrick--he always drilled her on state capitals, multiplication, and worse of all, word problems. He then asks her how much she'd pay for two bushels of Brussels sprouts if he's selling them for five cents a peck. Kit, who always mixes up bushels and pecks, incorrectly guesses fifty cents.[1] Uncle Hendrick tells her she's wrong and tells her she may go. Mother gives Kit a sympathetic smile, but Kit feels sorrier for Mother.

Kit goes back inside but stays in the dining room to overhear the two talk. Uncle Hendrick sighs and says he warned Margaret and Jack it was a bad idea to throw all of their money into the car dealership and that if they'd listened, they wouldn't be in the mess they are--and he won't help them recover, as he won't "throw good money after bad." Mother assures Uncle Hendrick they'll be fine, sure that Jack will find a job soon. Uncle Hendrick snorts and says a man like Jack won't find a job, especially during these hard times. Kit clenches her fists and feels the urge to punch Uncle Hendrick--she hates when Uncle Hendrick talks poorly about her dad--and doesn't say anything. Uncle Hendrick asks Mother what the two of them will do in the meantime. He suggests they sell their house, though he doubts anyone will buy it, and that the house was a foolish extravagant buy and they must owe the bank thousands of dollars on it. Mother responds that this is their house and they would do anything needed to keep it. Uncle Hendrick asks how they will keep it, but Mother doesn't reply.

Uncle Hendrick smugly says there's nothing they can do to keep the house. Mother slowly says they'll take in boarders, and Kit is as surprised as Uncle Hendrick sounds. Mother goes on and says they'd take respectable boarders like nurses and teachers, and Kit admires her mother's words. Uncle Hendrick, having heard enough, tells Margaret that if his sister and her mother could see her today, it would break her heart. He then strides back to his car and drives away. Kit walks onto the terrace and asks her Mother if they're really going to take in boarders. Mother smiles one of her real smiles and admits she surprised herself by saying that and only intended to shock Uncle Hendrick--but she likes her idea very much. Kit asks how Dad will respond, and Mother says that's a good question. Kit isn't sure if she likes her mother's idea, not excited at the idea of sharing her house with strangers after meeting Stirling ended badly for her.

That night at dinner Kit can tell her dad isn't crazy about it either. (Louise and Stirling are absent from the table, so the family can talk without them.) Mother explains their house has lots of rooms that could be put to use with boarders. Dad explains the idea is unnecessary as he's making an effort to find a job, but Mother interrupts him and says this is a way to earn money in the meantime. Dad sighs and says he hates the idea of Mother waiting on other people in her own home, but Mother says the whole family will chip in and help, stating it as if the boarders idea was now settled. Kit isn't surprised; it's hard to dissuade her mother once she's made up her mind. Kit asks where the boarders will stay and Mother explains Charlie can move to the sleeping porch and other boarders can stay in his room. Charlie shrugs and says he's all right with the plan, and Mother thanks him. She then explains her plan to find two teachers or nurses to share the guest room. Kit perks up and asks if taking in boarders means Stirling and his mother will be leaving. Mother explains the Howards will now stay as paying guests and when Kit asks where they'll stay, Mother calmly says they'll stay in Kit's room, shocking Kit. Mother explains they need the Howards to stay as well if they want to pay the mortgage, and she's already calculated it all out. Kit asks where she'll sleep and Mother says she's thought of moving Kit up to the attic where there's plenty of room. Kit, angry to be exiled to the attic while Stirling moves into her room, envisions her old headline: It's Not Fair!

The next day, Kit and Ruthie are inspecting the attic, which is mothball-smelly, dusty, and gloomy. Ruthie--wheezing from walking up the stairs--points out that Kit didn't even like her room that much now that it was "too pink" and asks why she's so mad about moving out of it. Kit answers peevishly she's mad because the room is hers, well aware of how she sounds--and angrier that Ruthie's right. Kit says she's had her room since she was a baby, she's now upset Stirling's going to have it, and laments why he doesn't have to move to the attic. Ruthie calmly guesses that it's because his mother is now paying to stay there, then looks around and says the attic doesn't look so bad and reminds her of the room Sara Crewe moved into after she lost all of her money in The Little Princess. Kit, impatient with Ruthie's talk of princesses, says that Sara Crewe's room was made beautiful by a "practically magical" Indian guy. Ruthie says that Margaret is also practically magic and can help improve Kit's new room. Kit tells Ruthie she's sure Mother will help her clean up.

Kit is wrong, however. That afternoon, as she helps Mother make the beds, she asks how they are going to fix up the attic. Mother--whose arms are full of sheets for the roll-away cot going into Kit's old room for Sterling--tells Kit she won't be able to help; she's too busy preparing rooms for the boarders. Margaret suggests that, after helping her out, Kit should poke around up in the attic and see what she might find. Kit's hurt by her mother's distracted manner--after she'd paid so much attention to Kit's pink room, she didn't seem to give a hoot about Kit's attic.

Kit slowly climbs the attic stairs and looks around the dusty, lumpy piles. Among the items are her old desk and chair hidden under a bumpy mattress, along with some boxes. Kit searches through the boxes and thinks how if this were a book, she would find something wonderful inside. But inside is only old junk: a broken camera, a pair of binoculars and compass that she thinks belonged to her Dad during the War, a goose-neck lamp, and an old-fashioned telephone. Kit thinks it's all old and useless as she takes out her dad's compass and hangs it around her neck. She sinks to the floor, overwhelmed by sadness. When she'd wished for a change that would make a dramatic headline, she'd never imagined getting so many terrible changes. Her dad has lost his job, Kit has lost her room--and in a way, they were going to lose their house now that it'd be filled with strangers. Nothing would ever be the same.


Stirling gives Kit a tack to put her picture up.

Kit almost never cries, but is biting her lip and fighting back tears when Stirling's head pops up from the stairs. Kit asks what he's doing out of bed as she roughly brushed away her tears. She could tell Stirling knew she was crying, but Stirling doesn't point it out and says he's brought Kit's stuff up from her room. He comes all the way up and hands Kit a box; on top of the things, Kit notices the smoothed-out article about Ernie Lombardi on top. Kit thanks him. Stirling hands out a tack, looks around the attic, and says she can probably put up her article anywhere she wanted up here to before leaving. Kit looks at the article, oddly cheered by the photograph. She figures Stirling is right--she can put anything anywhere she wants in the attic. Kit looks around the long narrow attic, observing her surroundings, then opens one of the heavy alcove windows, sticks her head out and comes face to face with a tree branch. She's hit with a funny, excited feeling as she suddenly knows exactly what she wants to do.

Kit is glad for the next few days where no one cares what she's doing in the attic. After helping Mother with chores, Kit goes to the attic. She cleans the windows with soapy water until they're clean, sweeps the floor, and moves the other junk to the other half of the attic she won't use. Once the cleaning's done, Kit gets to the fun part. In one alcove Kit puts her old desk and chair along with the goose-neck lamp, telephone, broken camera, and her typewriter: a newspaper office alcove. In another alcove, Kit tacks up her Ernie Lombardi article and hangs up her baseball glove and the old binoculars, figuring they would be handy if she ever went to a Reds game; this is her baseball alcove. The third alcove, Kit makes bookshelves out of old boards and arranges her books, then moves an old chair losing its stuffing over and pads it with a pillow: a reading alcove. The last alcove--Kit's favorite--has the mattress on an old bed frame pushed into the alcove with a pillow next to the window and the bed surrounded with some of Mother's potted plants: her tree house alcove.

The first night that Kit sleeps in her tree house alcove, Mother comes up to tuck her in. She sits on Kit's bed and surveys the room, and Kit looks at her mother's expression, knowing her new room is a far cry from Mother's idea of a girl's room. Mother comments that there's a place for every interest and she's proud that Kit's worked hard to make the attic her room. Kit thanks her. Mother apologizes for not having the time to help her and leaving her on her own, but Kit says it's okay. Mother picks up Kit's book and asks if she's still reading Robin Hood. Kit says yes, admitting it was Robin Hood that inspired her to make a tree house alcove. (She also plans to make a swinging bridge to connect the window to the nearby tree, but doesn't tell Mother as it's to be a secret escape.) Mother comments that "good old Robin Hood" stole from the rich to give to the poor and Kit says it's a shame there's not a modern Robin Hood who can do the same and make the Depression better. Mother says it would help, but wouldn't end the Depression. Kit asks what will end it and Mother figures a lot of things are necessary: people have to work hard, use what they have, face challenges, and stay hopeful. Mother looks around Kit's attic again, smiles, and says that people have to do sort of like Kit has done in her attic: make changes and realize that changes can be good. Mother kisses Kit good night, telling her not to read too late, and leaves. Kit looks out the window to see the tree branches against the starry night sky and thinks that 'Changes Can Be Good' sounds like a headline to her.

Looking Back: America in 1934[]

Discusses America before and during the Great Depression. Topics covered:

  • The prosperity America had during the 1920s, with many people turning to the stock market to support business growth by buying stock in companies.
  • Investors that used credit in hopes of repaying their debt later on, and the various debts people collected with buying everyday things on credit.
  • Lack of business growth due to the lack of consumers, forcing many companies to close and the value of stock to plummet dramatically.
  • The Wall Street Crash of 1929, a day commonly known as Black Tuesday, and its effects on those who had invested in the stock market.
  • People who had lost all of their money after the stock market crash, forcing many to rely on charities and neighbors for survival.
  • Ways Americans were affected by the Depression, with businesses having to close and how people couldn't pay their rent or buy food or necessities.
  • Creative ideas people used to cope with the hard times, and families who moved in with other families to save money.
  • The severity of the Great Depression compared with past financial crises and how the Depression's causes had built up in years in advance.
  • How the Hoover administration showed lack of leadership and how little government help came, due to the administration's belief that the Depression would end if businesses were left alone to find their own solutions.
  • The International Apple Shippers Association's plan to help the unemployed by selling them apples and a crate for them to sell on the streets.
  • Ways people tried to forget their troubles, such as listening to popular shows on the radio or visiting movie theaters to escape reality.
  • Americans who were desperate for change and believed that electing Franklin Roosevelt would lead them out of the Depression where Herbert Hoover had not.

Special Edition Introduction[]

The special edition version that came with the 100th Birthday Anniversary Kit Doll has an introduction by the author, Valerie Tripp.

It introduces readers old and new to the story, then states that Kit is in a large part based on her own mother, who was the same age in 1932. Her father (Ms. Tripp's grandfather) owned a hotel, and Kit's mother was given many fine treats, including what she called "sundaes on Sundays." When the Depression came, her father paid the hotel staff out of his own savings until he had to close the hotel, and her mother (Mrs. Tripp's grandmother) rented rooms out to boarders so they could get by; her own older brother (who would have been Tripp's uncle) could not attend college either. Kit's mother had to do additional chores and during the hardships learned lessons she passed on to her children, such as a love of reading, writing thank-you notes, and enjoying many things in life such as music, friendships, travel, family, and humor. She ends by thanking American Girl and everyone involved in Kit's creation, and that reading the story makes Kit's stories matter.

Items associated with Meet Kit[]



  1. There are four pecks in a bushel; at five cents each peck, the correct cost would be forty cents.